Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Roll with it...

One of the things I have never been good at in life is learning to roll with the punches it throws at me. When strife or disaster hits, I tend to focus more on overcoming/eliminating the challenge, rather than accepting it and learning to live with it. This also applies to the new blog.

I had hoped to have it up and running and have my first tutorial posted yesterday and I was super excited about it. However, my body had other plans. Sunday evening, my stomach symptoms all came back with a vengeance and I was ill all night into the next day. I had hoped that whatever it was would be eased up by the afternoon, but I wasn't so lucky.

Rather than being able to post pictures and instructions yesterday, I instead spent the majority of my day at the hospital. First it was just for a routine visit to my Rheumatologist for what should have been a normal progress check and follow up labs. It didn't turn out to be a "normal visit". After hearing how I had been sick with the stomach stuff (yet again, ugh!) and looking at the previous lab work, he sent me straight over to the ER. For the most part all they did there was testing. They did give me a couple shots of zofran and levisin, neither of which really helped, unfortunately.

My labs at the ER all came back normal, except my liver function. So they ordered some more specific liver tests, and the results weren't great. My liver enzymes were pretty high and one of them was almost 10 times the normal rate. The physician who treated me told me that she would be more comfortable if she could admit me but I refused. We have enough going on lately, I don't need to screw up everyone else's life just because my stomach is out of control again. She sent me home last night with a prescription for compazine and levisin. She referred me back to my family doctor for a follow up today. I have to have more blood drawn and if the liver numbers are any higher, I "seriously need to consider letting them admit me". Whoopee.

I'm praying that whatever it is causing it, has abated by now. Being put in the hospital again is the last thing I need.

I often find myself so frustrated by my health "issues". They always seem to come at the least opportune times. I'm trying to remember to just "roll with it", but it is hard to do. Rather than want to just "go with it", I instead get upset at the fact it happened, wish it wasn't so, worry about how I can get rid of it, make it better, etc.

I know this does no good and I would be much better off just learning to live with the problems, but I am having a hard time putting those thoughts into actions. I suppose that's all part of the growing process though. As the saying goes, "the first step is admitting that there is a problem". Well, I'm admitting that I've not yet really learned to "roll with it". But I know thatI need to, and I am going to try.

I'm about to leave for my follow up labs, please pray that they are lower today. I really do not want to be spending time in the hospital again....not my idea of fun. LOL

As for that tutorial, perhaps I can get it posted later this evening or tomorrow, depending on what this afternoon brings.



1 comment:

  1. Hey Michelle

    You’re so right in saying rolling with it is a learning process. I can lend you my wheelchair. That way you can get practice rolling with it ;) hehe!

    I can say from experience that life gets easier when people embrace their challenges. I’m glad your on this learning curve, and ill be praying you learn lots from it.

    Be blessed
