Thursday, June 9, 2011

Busted in Class

One of my Facebook friends posted a funny picture today. I enjoy a good laugh just as much as the next person. But this one didn't make me laugh; It made me angry. Angry and sad.

Here's the pic so you can see the "funny" for yourselves:

Hahahahahaha! Hilarious, right?

Yep, at first glance, it's pretty funny. The kid, forgetting that his teacher is one of his "friends", updates his status in class from his phone and gets caught by the teacher who sees it. Oops!

But at a closer look, you can see there's a much bigger "fail" here than what the kid did. I'd like to give a hearty congratulations to "Mrs. Wallace", for being just a SHINING EXAMPLE of our WONDERFUL education system. It's just SO NICE to know that this is what our tax dollars are paying for.

Call me a prude, goody-goody, whatever you will. But in my opinion, NO KID deserves to be publicly made fun of or humiliated like that. I don't care HOW frustrated a teacher gets, there are just some things you don't do/say to a kid and that's one of them.

If he's "almost as good at getting caught as he is at failing math tests", WHY hasn't that issue been addressed? Hmm?

Perhaps he might be having some difficulty with math, and be afraid to ask for help (which would be OBVIOUSLY understood, given the lovely example we have here) or there could be a learning disability, lack of motivation, any Why would ANY teacher just let a kid slip through the cracks like that--let alone MAKE FUN OF THEM along the way??

I certainly hope the teacher has a good explanation as to why she said what she did, and that she PUBLICLY apologizes to the kid, his family and everyone else.

It makes me wonder, how many other children does she treat, or has she treated, this way? How many other children went through her class failing to learn and being made fun of or humiliated?

And what about the parents? Why didn't that mother say something to the teacher about PUBLICLY HUMILIATING her kid? If I was that parent, I'd be LIVID. I would not only be having a "friendly chat" with Mrs Wallace, but also with the principal, school board, PTA and anyone else who would listen.

But, then again, if I was that parent, my kid wouldn't have an iphone in the first place, much less be bringing it to school with him.

And people wonder why I homeschool...Let me tell you, every day that goes by, I'm convinced more and more that I made the right choice. You just never do know exactly who or what out there is "modling and shaping your child's future", do you?

I do hope that kid is able to get a decent education despite this disaster of an enviornment he is in. I really feel sorry for him.


  1. Sav, I could not agree more. Glad to see I'm not the only one who feels this way. lol :)

  2. My first thought was, "what Is wrong with that teacher?" Her comments were totally inappropriate .

  3. Melinda, absolutely. That was just totally uncalled for.
